Meet Your Instructors

Campaign Finance Consultant

Lisa Lisker

Lisa Lisker is a nationally recognized campaign finance expert with more than 30 years of experience in the complexities of political compliance reporting. As treasurer for most of her clients, Lisa provides full financial services, budget strategies, and compliance disclosure reporting. Starting a campaign is like starting a small business. Lisa will cover the fundamentals of setting up your campaign — getting it registered and filed correctly.

Campaign Finance & Legal Consultant; Barred in New York and District of Columbia

Brenda Hankins

Brenda Hankins provides Campaign Finance guidance as principal at Election CFO. With expertise in complete financial, treasurer and FEC compliance, she has worked with campaigns, party committees, political action committees, corporate and trade association PACs, and other organizations. Brenda will walk through critical legal and filing deadlines, as well as how to stay compliant throughout the campaign cycle. She will also review the steps a candidate takeS to get on a ballot and formalize a candidacy.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    How Do I Set Up My Campaign?

    • Chapter Summary

    • How Do I Set Up My Campaign?

    • Checklist - Filing Your Campaign Committee

    • BONUS: Advice for First Time Candidates

    • BONUS: Campaign Attorney

    • BONUS: Exploratory Committees

    • BONUS: Do's & Don't's

  • 2

    Legal and Filing Deadlines

    • Chapter Summary

    • Legal and Filing Deadlines

    • BONUS: Advice for First Time Candidates

    • BONUS: Advice for Returning Candidates

    • BONUS: Advice for Incumbents

  • 3

    Ballot Access and Getting on the Ballot

    • Chapter Summary

    • Ballot Access and Getting on the Ballot

    • BONUS: Advice for First Time Candidates

    • BONUS: Advice for Returning Candidates & Incumbents

    • State Election Resources